Eliminate Anxiety From Your Life With Our Anti-Anxiety Patch. We have Loaded This Frequency Patch With Frequency to Calm Your Mind Body & Soul. These Patches Activate Both Instantly & Cumulatively. This Means you can use them to instantly feel calm, balanced & at ease and also as a treatment to fully release and let go of the trapped trauma, emotions and inbalances that have been causing the anxiety.
Anti Anxiety Frequency Patch
Anti Anxiety Frequency Patch. This is a Frequency Wearable That You Stick On To Your Skin & Wear Until It Falls Off. Included In This Pack Are 25 Anti Anxiety Frequency Patches – enough for a months supply. Each Patch Last between 1-5 days.
This Anti Anxiety Frequency Patch is Loaded With Frequencies to Make Your Feel Balanced, Calm & Eliminate Anxiety. With Long Term Use You Can Completely Rewire Your Mind & Central Nervous System to no longer feel triggered or anxious. It’s an amazing support as a stand alone treatment or as a compliment to any type of therapy.
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